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About UKN

History of The University of Kang Ning

August 2016

    The University of Kang Ning (UKN), with an educational focus on theory and practice, aims to nurture professionals in the health and service industries. The school originally known as Leader College of Management was established in 2000 in response to the founding of the Tainan Industrial Science Park. The school’s founding is meant to meet the needs of the growing knowledge economy and was upgraded to a university in 2008. Later in February 201l, the school was given its present name under the leadership of a brand new board of trustees consisting of promising Taiwanese scholars and educators who dedicated themselves to transforming the school into a top university in the 21st century.

    The school is an affiliate of The Kang Ning School Foundation in which Dr. Nyeu, Ting Chuang has been the chairman of the board since 2000. To fulfil the needs of the industrial development of our country, the school cultivates professionals through a well-designed curriculum in which theory and professional skills are equally emphasized. In addition to the cultivation of academic competence, with devotion, integrity, humanity, and love as our educational ideals, we educate our students to be practical, and to develop good character, world vision and humanistic literacy. As such, students can serve the society, improve the living quality of people, and facilitate further development of our country. On August 1st, the school merged with Kang Ning Junior College of Medical Care and Management (KNJC). This was the first successful case of a private university merging with a private junior college in Taiwan. The merging extends the school program options to include five-year and two-year junior college (associate bachelor programs), and undergraduate (bachelor program) and graduate school (master’s program) programs.

    The main campus located in Taipei (previous campus of KNJC) features convenient traffic routes and abundant practical requirements and conveniences. The other very spacious campus (Tainan campus) located in Taijiang National Park and next to the Southern Science Park is surrounded by beautiful views. Health and nursing have been the developmental focus of the Taipei campus, which inherits a wealth of more than 40-years of vocational education experiences from KNJC. Innovation and service management have been the developmental focus of the Tainan campus, which has a great deal of experience cooperating with industrial and commercial industries in southern Taiwan.

    The school dedicated to professionalism, creativity, internationalism, future-building, and the development of professional excellence spares no effort in moving toward being a top teaching-intensive university. Departments within UKN have been organized into three colleges since August 2016 as follows: the College of Nursing and Health, the College of Business and Information, and the College of Innovation and Management. In accordance with the educational ideals above, the school has taken and is continuing to take the following educational actions:

1. To fulfill the university’s general educational objectives and implement a liberal arts education:

Holistic education is put into practice via curriculum and instruction. It aims to nurture citizens who are humanistic, literate, social, caring and have a holistic vision, and to recognize the innate potential of every student for creativity and leadership.

2. To promote humanity, arts, and creative visions:

We have created and are continuing to foster a humanistic and artistic campus atmosphere, which is conducive to developing humanistic literacy and aesthetics for campus life. We also invite artists who provide valuable guidance on artistic activities to visit our school. Through engaging in aesthetic activities, our faculty and students will experience the beauty of art, thereby improving their quality of living and creative vision.

3. To enhance the quality of teaching and learning outcomes:

We promote an integration of cross-campus resources. We also offer incentives for teaching faulty who refine their courses and engage in academic research. In addition, we promote the use of teaching assistants, digital instructional materials, and an international educational perspective and approach.

4. To develop multiple professional skills and employment competitiveness:

We strengthen students’ professional competence through attaining licenses and certifications, internship programs, industry-academia collaborative projects, and innovation and incubation projects. All of these are aimed at providing students with opportunities for careers in a wide range of fields.